There are countless books on the topics of branding, creativity and technology – it’s easy to get lost. Here’s my shortlist of the most valuable contributions on the subjects.
Marty Neumeier - The Brand Flip
Marty is a true genius. All his books are easy to understand and packed with valuable insights. There is a book in particular that I can recommend to everyone: THE BRAND FLIP.
Adam Alter - Irresistible
Behavioural addiction is not just another buzzword – it has become reality for most of us using smartphones and the internet. Many people have lost contact with reality. This book is a must-read for everyone who wants to understand how internet addiction works and how to regain control of your own time and relationships.
Rachel Botsman - Who can you trust?
Her definition of trust is simple but profound: trust is a confident relationship with the unknown. This book provides an in-depth analysis of how trust mechanisms are fundamentally affected by technology – which is a danger and huge opportunity at the same time.
Martin Lindstrom - Small Data
All of Lindstrom’s books are classics, but SMALL DATA provides a fresh approach to observing consumer behaviours, registering inconspicuous details and developing meaningful insights that can lead to huge trends.
Gary Klein - Seeing what other don't
This book keeps its promise: cognitive psychologist Gary Klein uses a range of real-life stories to illuminate the nature of insight. His book shows how insight can be positively encouraged – using five key strategies.
Al Ries / Jack Trout - Positioning
This marketing classic is essential reading for anybody working in the communications industry. The authors show how brand positioning works, and how every brand needs to uniquely position itself in the consumer’s mind.
Dan Roam - Blah Blah Blah
The aim of this book is to kill complexity, prevent misunderstandings and offers simple but effective tools to make ideas more comprehensible.
Focusing on
the power of
The strongest brands become
the expression of our own identity.