Over the decades, Prince built an influential human brand; he was a music and fashion icon and created a sign known around the world: the Love Symbol.
Looking closely at the creative process reveals how many different meanings were carefully combined and fed into the symbol and how it became central to his art. A prime example of creative branding that moves people and inspires entire generations. One artist shaking the entire world.
1. A fusion of symbols
THE EYE OF HORUS: ancient Egyptian symbol of protection,
royal power and good health.
YIN/YANG: a relational concept in Chinese culture which regards seemingly opposite or contrary forces as complementary and interconnected.
2. Gender sex symbols
Venus symbol ♀ for women
Mars symbol ♂ for man
3. The number 7
In 1993, Prince officially changed his name on his birthday, 7 June. From that day on, he dropped his name and chose to be known by the symbol.
4. Lyrics
‘There are no kings on this earth, only princes.’
Great branding means
choosing signs &
symbols carefully.
Logos are the fastest, most universal
form of communication available.